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Anti Corrosion and Anti Scaler Chiller TRAC 109

Product Description | Product Application | Product Notes| Product DOSE
Chiller Treatment CORROSION & SCALE INHIBITOR Corrosion Inhibitor for Water Systems  having  unique formulation with highly concentrated liquid cooling treatment compound, ferrous & Non ferr [+] Read More...
Other Equivalent Brand

Optishied Corrosion inhibitor, NALCO TRAC 109, Chiller cooling system corrosion inhibitor 30 kg Liquid

Short Description:
Unique formulation with highly concentrated liquid cooling treatment compound, ferrous & Non ferrous corrosion inhibitors, antiscalants , dispersant and buffer solution of non carbonate.Usefull for use in high or low temperature closed cooling water syste
Generic Name:
Chiller Cooling system Corrosion Inhibitor
Active Matter:
68 - 75
Related Products:
Anti Corrosion and Anti Scaler Chiller TRAC 109
Prolongs the life of equipment by keeping it scale and corrosion free. Since RXSOL-40-4001-025 is alkaline, it will suppress acid corrosion, which would otherwise result in sever pittings. It improve [+] Read More...
Using Procedure:
Refer to technical datasheet. GENERAL RECOMMENDATION : ( The dosage chart may be used as a guide to adjust treatment to obtain the optimum level.) Nitrite (as PPM NO2) 0  10 [+] Read More...
Initial dosage for an untreated system is 9 litres of RXSOL-40-4001-025 / 1000 litres of untreated distilled water. This will bring the treatment up to the minimum level of 1000 ppm nitrite. For best resul [+] Read More...
Technical Specifications:

RX MARINE INTERNATIONAL are continiously working in water treatement sector, And developed many unique product to avoid corrosion and scale depositon in cooling water system. Here I wants to keep our experiment results with you.Corrosion inhibitor for closed cooling systems containing molybdate/phosphonate ( RXSOL-40-4018-025 ). Sodium molybdate has the advantage in that the dosing of lower ppm's of molybdate allow for lower conductivity of the circulating water. Sodium molybdate at levels of 50-100 ppm offer the same levels of corrosion inhibition that sodium nitrite at levels of 800+ ppm. By utilizing lower concentrations of sodium molybdate, conductivity is kept at a minimum and thus galvanic corrosion potentials are decreased.


Before testing of Nitrite level, Here is some point and guideline,  what you need to do. : 1 take the following readings; pH, TDS (uS), and nitrite level.and record. 2 add the Chemical your are using. 3. wait for a period of time for the sysem to circulate. hours> 4. Re check the readings. and record. 5 track these readings
for a period of time.

If the TDS and Nitrite drop you have a leak/ unknown makeup. if the TDS stays stable and the nitrite drops you have a biological problem. Bacteria that convert nitrite to nitrate.

Solution ::: Use DI water in place of general water, And also use. Algaecide to control Bacterial growth inside water system ...

The closed cooling system uses the water flowing through a heat exchanger to remove heat from the engines. If Continuous flow of cooling water contains Nitrite Borate corrosion inhibitor and antifreeze mixture resulting good protect towards metal surface. 
Nitrite Borate liquid msds and technical bulletine available here.

Anti Corrosion and Anti Scaler Chiller TRAC 109 Chiller Cooling system Corrosion Inhibitor Manufacturer and supplier.

#ChillerCoolingCorrosion Inhibitor
During Circulation of water mainly controlling of 2 factors required : -
SCALE CONTROL in closed water cooling systems - Diesel and gas engines releasing high temperature due to that water present in jacket cooling system  increases its tendency to deposit scale. To avoid scale formation water softener like Zeolite  gradual buildup of scale in cylinders and cylinder heads. Where condensate is available, it is preferred for closed system cooling water makeup. Where condensate is not available, zeolite softening should be applied to the makeup water.
CORROSION CONTROL An increase in water temperature causes an increase in corrosion. At high temperature  solubility of oxygen in water decreases due to that Corrosion rates increasing inside the system.  This occurs because the lower solubility of oxygen with increasing temperatures in a freely vented system decreases the corrosion rate faster than the rise in temperature increases it. However, in many closed systems, the dissolved oxygen entering the system in the makeup water cannot be freely vented, resulting in the release of oxygen at points of high heat transfer, which may cause severe corrosion. Untreated systems can suffer serious corrosion damage from oxygen pitting, galvanic action, and crevice attack. Closed cooling systems that are shut down periodically are subjected to water temperatures that may vary from ambient to 180°F (82°C) or higher. During shutdown, oxygen can enter the water until its saturation limit is reached. When the system is returned to high-temperature operation, oxygen solubility drops and the released oxygen attacks metal surfaces. 
The three most reliable corrosion inhibitors for closed cooling water systems are chromate, molybdate, and nitrite materials. Generally, the chromate or molybdate types have proven to be superior treatments.

What is closed cooling system ?
The full closed cooling system is designed to circulate cooling water through the block and exhaust manifold.  water is circulated through water pump to heat exchanger tank and be pumped through many small tubes where it will exchange heat from the water of the circulating system. Then water exits the heat exchanger to go directly into the risers and then exit the boat. The exhaust manifold and riser will be blocked off, so no water will transfer between them. As for the circulating water in the closed cooling system, cool water will enter the engine through the circulating pump and circulate through the engine. The water will heat up in the engine and the warm water will exit at the water outlet on top of the manifold and head to the manifolds. After circulating through the manifolds, the hot water will head to the heat exchanger to exchange the heat it's carrying with the raw water. After the exchange the cool circulating water exits the heat exchanger and returns to circulating pump to begin another loop. 

Why Corrosion inhibitor required in Chiller cooling system?
Usefull for use in high or low temperature closed cooling water systems for the prevention of corrosion and scale formation in internal combustion engines, compressors, chiller system and DG sets. Protects all metals including cast iron, mild steels and copper. 


Anti Corrosion and Anti Scaler Chiller TRAC 109
Packing Size:
30.00 Kg.Liq
Available Packing Size:
Corrosion Inhibitor for Chiller Plant 5, 20, 35, 50, 210 Ltr Mail us for Factory sale Discounted price
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