Stain Removal Tips
If a stain cannot be identified, treat with cool water first, then sponge with a good quality laundry liquid solution. Rinse well and if stain persists try equal quantities of methylated spirits (wood alcohol) and ammonia, testing first to note effect on colour and fabric. If colour is affected, omit ammonia. As a last resort, try a mild bleach, e.g. A diaper wash/sanitiser container sodium percarbonate.
Tips for removal of RED WINE Stains from :
Quickly Remove as much of the excess red wine from the material by blotting the spot with any absorbent material. Paper or cotton towels work best. Place a piece of the towel on the front and back of the material and press down & Hold for two to three minutes to absorb the wine. Remove and replace the towels and then repeat the process.
Place a clean towel at the back of the material. In a small bowl, mix one teaspoon (5 ml) liquid RXSOL with one cup (240 ml) hydrogen peroxide. Wearing gloves take a clean towel and dip it into this mixture. Use the wet towel to blot the stain. This will break the bond of the tannins. The towel at the back will absorb the excess liquid, so that the material is not ruined.
Repeat these steps to remove red wine stains two or three times. Rinse the spot with copious amount of cold water to remove the hydrogen peroxide. Wash the entire item with RXSOL . The stain should now be gone. If not, apply a concentrated paste of RXSOL 1501 to the stain and let it sit for one to two hours before rewashing.
If the red wine stain is in carpet, it is important to treat it as soon as possible. Blot the spot to remove the excess liquid. Use the suction function on your vacuum cleaner to pull up the liquid that has moved below the surface level.
Place an absorbent towel on the spot and place a heavy book on top. The pressure will help to move the liquid into the towel. Apply the detergent and peroxide mix to the carpet. Remove it after two to three minutes using a moist towel. When removing stain from a carpet, be careful to restrict the amount of liquids used, as it may increase the size of the stain.
Red Wine? Straight away pour White Wine on the affected area and soak up. Then wash in cold water and ammonia.
White Wine? Wash in cold water and ammonia. If unsuccessful, follow other treatments under Alcoholic Beverages.
Treat promptly
Try mild measures first
Rinse thoroughly
Tips for removal of Rust Stains from Clothing
You can use lemon juice (citric acid) or white vinegar (acetic acid) as both are effective at removing rust.
To use this method, you should lay the rust-stained fabric over some paper towels; you can then cut the lemon in half and squeeze it on the stain or simply pour the same amount of vinegar juice on the spot. Make sure that it is saturated and then blot it dry with paper towel. Then, set it outside in the sun and after it has dried, you should wash it normally (assuming it is washable). Another option is to put some lemon juice and salt on the item and then place it in the sun.
2nd tips : Rust stains on cotton clothing - Rub the stains with lemon juice and salt and leave in the sun to dry. May need to be repeated several times.
If you have rust on your sidewalk, you can easily remove it by using oxalic acid, an acid that promptly removes rust stains. You can also try wood bleach from your paint store. If you use oxalic acid, you should dissolve it in warm water, brush it on the stain, and then rinse it thoroughly.
If you use another type of commercial powder, simply sprinkle on the powder, scrub it vigorously with a scrub brush to get rid of the rust stain. Please remember that Oxalic acid is toxic and you must use gloves. If you get it on your body, you must rinse it off thoroughly and contact your physician or poison control center.
Tips for removal of Scorch Stains
Scorch marks are different from a true stain in that the actual fibre is damaged. Severe marks on any fabric, or scorch marks on wool and silk can seldom be restored. Brushing with fine emery paper may improve a scorched woollen surface.
Very light scorch marks can often be removed by immediate washing with your usual laundry product, followed by a day in the sun. Alternatively, sponge with 1 Tbsp. borax in 1 c warm water.
Light scorch marks on white materials can be treated with hydrogen peroxide. Dampen a scrap of white cotton cloth with hydrogen peroxide and lay it on the mark. Cover with a clean dry cloth, then press with a medium warm iron. If the peroxide soaks through the top cloth, move to a dry position. Repeat the treatment until the stain is removed. Rinse well in warm water.
Light scorch marks on any fabric (test colours first) may be treated by sponging with diluted hydrogen peroxide to which a few drops of ammonia have been added. Rinse well in warm water. (Instructions for dilution under directions for using bleaches).
Tips for removal of Shoe Cleaners Stains
Scrape off any excess with a dull knife. Shoe creams can frequently be removed from washable materials by washing with your usual laundry product.
If this is not successful, treat washable fabrics with glycerine. Pour on to the stain, rub lightly between the hands, leave for half an hour, then wash or rinse in warm water.
On unwashable fabrics or for very stubborn marks, sponge with equal quantities of methylated spirits (wood alcohol) and household ammonia. (Test on coloured fabrics first). Then sponge with warm water.
Tips for removal of Silly Putty Stains
Scrape off the excess with a blunt knife, then apply a warm to hot solution made up of 1 part RXSOL 501 , 1 part dishwash liquid, 10 parts water (read our notes on each product at this link). Massage into the putty, and use absorbent towelling to absorb the "gunk". You may need to repeat this. Finally rinse with warm water and let dry naturally.
Or scrape the excess Silly Putty with a dull knife or metal spoon. Spray with RXSOL - 1009 and let stand a few minutes. Again scrape excess Silly Putty with knife or spoon, and re-spray with RXSOL 1009 Wipe stain with cotton balls. If any stain remains, saturate a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol, blot the stain and rinse. Wipe any remaining residue or remaining stain with a damp sponge or cloth moistened with liquid dishwashing detergent.
Tips for removal of Soft Drinks Stains
Pre-treat dry fabric with a laundry pre-soak (spot stain remover) prior to washing with a quality laundry product in the usual way. Alternative treatment: sponge with equal quantities of methylated spirits (wood alcohol) and water. Old or obstinate stains may be softened in glycerine before treatment as above.
Tips for removal of Soot & Smoke Stains
First treat with absorbent powder, then wash. For unwashable articles sponge with dry cleaning fluid or other grease solvent, followed by airing to remove smell of smoke.
For carpets, mix solvent to a paste with cornflour, talcum or french chalk. Apply thickly - leave to dry, then brush or vacuum off. Repeat if necessary. Use absorbent powder only on rubber backed carpeting. Or use a spray-on dry cleaner.
Tips for removal of Soy Sauce Stains
Dry the soya sauce-stained area. Mix together 3 parts dishwash liquid with 1 part of a RXSOL-501 . Soak the stained area in this solution for 10-15 minutes. After the soak time, rinse in water as hot as is suitable for the fabric, then wash as usual, but preferrably with a Laundry Liquid. This treatment may require repeating.
Tips for removal of Tar & Asphalt Stains
Scrape away as much as possible with a dull knife. Sponge with Jeyes fluid and water (1 part Jeyes to 3 of water) or pre-treat with a laundry pre-soak (spot stain remover) then wash with a quality laundry product, rinse in warm water.
If this is not successful on washable materials, rub Vaseline or lard into the stain. Leave for half an hour, then wash in hot soapy water.
For unwashable materials the stain will be very difficult. Sponge repeatedly with dry cleaning fluid. If the mark still persists, rub with Vaseline, leave for half an hour, then dip in dry cleaning fluid. If possible, finish by sponging with a solution made from a good quality laundry liquid, starting well to the outside of the stain.
Tips for removal of Tarnish Stains
Metallic stains from belts, jewellery, etc., sometimes stain clothes. Sponge with vinegar, lemon juice or 10% solution acetic acid (check synthetics first).
For tarnished metallic fabrics, e.g. lame, if practicable, boil in salt water (2 Tbsp. to 600 ml). Not suitable for plastics. Otherwise, sponge with methylated spirits (wood alcohol) or dry cleaning fluid.
Tips for removal of Tobacco Stains
For stubborn tobacco stains, first try pouring glycerine over the stain. Rub lightly between the hands, or pre-treat the dry fabric with a laundry pre-soak (spot stain remover), leave for half an hour then wash in the usual way. If this is not successful, use sodium thiosulphate as directed for iodine stains.
Tips for removal of Tomato Juice, Relish or Chutney Stains
Sponge thoroughly with cold water first. Pour glycerine over, rub lightly between the hands and leave for half an hour. Or, pre-treat the dry fabric with a laundry pre-soak (spot stain remover), leave for half an hour then wash in the usual way. Rinse in warm water. Remove any remaining stain with a chlorinated laundry bleach or a diaper wash/sanitiser container sodium percarbonate, as directed.
Tips for removal of Urine Stains
These stains differ in composition, so that the same method may not be successful in all cases. Normal urine is usually acid. First soak in a solution of a diaper wash/sanitiser container sodium percarbonate or sponge with a solution of 1 Tbsp. household ammonia in ½ c warm water. Rinse well.
If this is not successful, try equal quantities of vinegar and warm water in case the stain is alkaline. Rinse well in warm water. For stubborn stains, sponge with diluted hydrogen peroxide, then wash or sponge - rinse with clear warm water. Old stains may destroy the colour of the cloth and nothing can be done to restore it in this case.
Tips for removal of Urine Stains
Sponge with warm water containing a little ammonia. If extensive, dampen and sprinkle with pepsin powder, leave half an hour, then rinse off. OR soak washable articles in a diaper wash/sanitiser container sodium percarbonate.
Tips for removal of Water Spots Stains
Some silks, rayons and wools are spotted by water. To remove such spots, hold in the steam from a rapidly boiling kettle. It is wise to cover the spout with butter muslin first to prevent any droplets of water reaching the fabric. Allow the fabric to become damp, but not wet. Shake and press while still slightly damp, rubbing, if possible, with a piece of the same or a similar material, or with fingernail or spoon.
Water stains on carpets become brown because of impurities from backing or underfelt. Mop up spills, wipe with cool water, cover with pad of blotting paper, tissues or absorbent cloth. Weight down with books, etc., and dry quickly with the aid of fan heaters, vacuum exhaust, etc. This causes stain to wick through to absorbent material. Repeat if required.
Tips for removal of Wood SAP Stains
Turpentine (enamel paint thinners) 1 part and dishwash liquid 4 parts. Mix together and rub in to the sap stain. Leave for 20 minutes and then wash in water and your usual laundry detergent as hot as the fabric will allow. You may have to repeat this process.
Helpfull Tips :
Coffee stains - Mix one egg yoke and a tablespoon of milk and water. Rub repeatedly on the stain as soap. If the stain has been allowed to set, a stronger solution may be needed: add a few drops of alcohol to the mixture.
Candle wax on cloth - Rub wax spots with alcohol or naptha; wax will dissolve.
Floor cleaner selcetion :
Problem |
Solution |
Mineral deposits, such as: iron, lime buildup, uric acid stains, rust, scale, water spots, soap deposits |
Acid Type : suitable for vitreous china metal, glass cement, quarry tile, fiberplexiglass glass, |
Most common forms of soil including dirt, soot, fats, cooking oils, food stains, baked on grease |
Alkaline Type : suitable for resilient flooring metal, porcelain, china, fabrics, formica, vinyl, concrete, quarry tile, removing floor finish films |
Heavy grease and oil including machine grease, engine oils, sludge, paint and varnish |
Solvent Type : suitable for engines, machine parts, metal, machinery |
Light duty clearing
Neutral : suitable for all water washable surfaces, floors coated with finish |
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