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ANTISCALANT 9209 Seawater Distillation

Product Description | Product Application | Product Notes| Product DOSE
Antiscalant 9209 RX is specially designed to control the development of scale in seawater distillation plants. It is based on a synergistic blend of phosphonates which are found to be more effective [+] Read More...
Other Equivalent Brand

Hydrex 9209, Metito M 915, Genesys LF

Short Description:
Antiscalant for Water Distillation Units , specially designed to control the development of scale in seawater distillation plants.
Generic Name:
Broad Spectrum Antiscalant and Antifoulant Liquid
Active Matter:
ANTISCALANT 9209 Seawater Distillation
PREVENTS IRON FOULING and SILICA ANTISCALANT properties. Convenient liquid formulation for automatic dosing using suitable dosing equipment. Prevents formation of hard scale in seawater dist [+] Read More...
Using Procedure:
The correct dosage rate is dependant upon several parameters, including feed temperature, pH, and chemical analysis and will be specified by your consultant after a detailed survey of your plant. To obtain [+] Read More...
Antiscalant 9209 RX  is an aqueous solution of Neutralised Phosphonic Acid. It has been approved for use in potable water applications and does not contribute to assimilable organic carbon (AOC), which can act as source of nutrient for micro-organisms. 
Technical Specifications:


Appearance Clear, Yellowish Amber Liquid
Flash point Non-flammable
Solubility in water Soluble in all proportions
Freezing Point -15 Degree


Gloves and goggles should be worn as a precaution when handling the concentrated solution. (See Material Safety Data Sheets for further information).



Gloves and goggles should be worn as a precaution when handling the concentrated solution. (See Material Safety Data Sheets for further information).
Antiscalant 9209 RX  is compatible with carbon steel and other commonly used materials of construction. Observe all safety precautions shown in the material safety data sheet, available on request.

ANTISCALANT 9209 RX seawater distillation plants, Compatible with all types of polyamide membrane
ANTISCALANT 9209 RX powerfully Inhibits common scales Calcium carbonate/sulphate - Calcium phosphateBarium/Strontium sulphate - SilicaIron/Manganese


RXSOL-51-6005-025 ANTISCALANT and Antifoulant for Reverse Osmosis and Nano Filtration unit.

ANTISCALANT 9209 RX FOR seawater distillation plants manufacturer and supplier in Fujairah, Muscat, Barka, Oman, Dubai, Sharjah, Abudhabi, UAE Middle East, Ajman, Mumbai, Kolkata, Kandla, Visakhapatnam, Chennai Surat, CANADA, Kenya Nairobi, Jinja Uganda

ANTISCALANT 9209 RX Seawater Distillation Plants RXSOL-51-6005-025 is Suitable for Reverse Osmosis (RO) and NanoFiltration (NF) membranes
✓ Effective at LSI up to +2.6
✓ Excellent inhibitor for iron fouling
✓ Excellent silica antiscalant
✓ NSF listed product
✓ Approved for use in drinking water applications (UKDWI)
✓ Compatible with all types of polyamide membrane
✓ Replaces acid addition
✓ Inhibits common scales
- Calcium carbonate/sulphate
 - Calcium phosphate
 - Barium/Strontium sulphate
 - Silica
- Iron/Manganese
ANTISCALANT 9209 RX Seawater Distillation Plants RXSOL-51-6005-025 Inhibits Scale Formation, Prevents Iron Fouling
ANTISCALANT 9209 Seawater Distillation
Packing Size:
250.00 Kg.Liq
Available Packing Size:
30 Kg Liquid, 55, 250 Kg Liquid
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