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Condensor Dispersant Scale Fouling Controller

Product Description | Product Application | Product Notes| Product DOSE
Condensor Dispersant Scale Controler is chemical compounds that are dosed in cooling system water to prevent fouling of system due to biological growth such as algae, slimes and bacterial deposits. It [+] Read More...
Other Equivalent Brand

Scale and Fouling controller in Cooling system 260 Liquid

Short Description:
Organic Anti-Scalant for use in closed cooling water systems , for preventing corrosion and scale Formation in Internal combustion engines, compressor cooling system, DG -set at high or low temperature. It is also acts as a corrosion inhibitor ( Protects
Condensor Dispersant Scale Fouling Controller
Condensor Dispersant Scale Controler  is used for Cooling Water System, Cooling Tower, Air Washers, Evaporative Condensers, Cooling Water Heat Exchangers, Radiators, Gear Boxes, Injection Mouling Machines, Blow Mouling Machines, Housings, D.G.Sets etc.
Using Procedure:
Condensor Dispersant Scale Controler can be fed continuously or by slug method to the re-circulating water. It can be injected by chemical dosing pump or fed directly to the CT sump (basin). The amount of ch [+] Read More...
Benefits     Prevention of Bio-fouling of system.     Reduces chances of Biofilm formation.     Avoids MIC (Microbiologically Induced Corrosion).     Enhances efficacy of biocides and microbiocides to more than 300%.     Compatible with all biocides and microbiocides.
Technical Specifications:

Appereance           :  Liquid
Specific Gravity      : 1.28 - 1.30
pHNormally            :  Neutral
Solubility                 :  Completely Soluble in Water


Condensor Dispersant Scale Fouling Controller
Packing Size:
260.00 Kg.Liq
Available Packing Size:
260 Kgs
Article News:
#MarineChemical #TankCleaner #OilFieldChemical #ChemicalManufacturer #ChemicalSupplier #WaterTreatmentChemical #ROchemicals #ReverseOsmosisChemical #Dispersant
#Demulsifier #WaterlessHandCleaner #AirCoolerCleaner #CarbonRemover #ScaleRemover #ActivatedAlumina #ActivatedCarbon #SilicaGel #Degreaser_Biodegradable
#DieselExhaustFluid #BlueLiquid #ToiletBlueWater_Juice #RigWash #OxygenScavenger #CoolingWaterTreatment #RoccorNB #CorrosionInhibitor #CalciumChloride #DIwater
#AlumPowder #MagnesiumSulphate #SodaAsh #SulfamicAcid #PotassiumChloride

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