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Corrosion inhibitor closed cooling systems Molybdate Phosphonate

Product Description | Product Application | Product Notes| Product DOSE
Molybdate and phosphonate based corrosion inhibitor for cooling water system. We are manufacturer and supplier of this special type of corrosion inhibitor which acts as Filming Agent to protect metal [+] Read More...
Other Equivalent Brand

Accepta 2809, KORODEX 8575, AQUATREAT 8575, Molybdate Corrosion Inhibitor, Phosphonate Corrosion Inhibitor

Short Description:
RXSOL-40-4018 is a superior molybdate/phosphonate based corrosion inhibitor developed for use in closed cooling water systems. RXSOL-40-4018 prevents corrosion and deposits in closed and aerated cooling water systems. RXSOL-40-4018 contains inhibitors for
Active Matter:
54 - 58
Related Products:
Corrosion inhibitor closed cooling systems Molybdate Phosphonate
RXSOL-40-4018 is mainly applied in secondary cooling water systems of Power Plants, in the cooling systems of blast furnaces, in systems for cooling the molds in continuous casting mills and in hot an [+] Read More...
Using Procedure:
RXSOL-40-4018 is added neat or diluted to the cooling water. RXSOL-40-4018 can be mixed with water in any ratio. Dosage requirements - The dosage rate is dependent on the system conditions and the amount [+] Read More...
ADVANTAGES: Single-package treatment for corrosion and fouling.  Reduces maintenance time and costs. Corrosion inhibitor closed cooling systems Molybdate Phosphonate does not contain chromate, [+] Read More...
Technical Specifications:

Molybdate-Phosphate for Closed Circulation Machinery Cooling Corrosion inhibitor.


Clear Colourless to Pale Liquid

Boiling point [oC]


C Density [kg/m3]

1.12 - 1.20

Flashpoint[oC] TCC

NONE Vapour pressure [mm Hg]

Pour point [oC]

NONE Vapour density [a ir=1]:

Auto-ignition temp [oC] NONE 
Expl.omr. [vol%] Solubility in water [w-%]: 100%
pH : Slight Alkaline
Solubility  100% in Distilled water
Rel. evaporation Rate. N/A
Recommend Dosage  ppm LEVEL 400 to 1000 ppm
Soluble in organic solvent: None

Use proper chemical protective hand gloves and Eye Goggles.

Corrosion inhibitor closed cooling systems Molybdate Phosphonate is very effective in high hardness, highly alkaline scaling waters. It contains a proprietary blend of organic and polymeric sequestrants, penetrants and dispersants to minimize system fouling from contaminants such as calcium, silica, iron, sludge and organics. It also contains a unique blend of organic and actives to corrosion sites. Corrosion inhibitor closed cooling systems Molybdate Phosphonate is very effective also in low hardness, low alkalinity corrosive waters. It contains special filming ingredients to establish protective barriers against corrosion on ferrous metal surfaces. It also contains special filming ingredients to establish a protective barrier against corrosion and pitting on both yellow metal and ferrous metal surfaces.

Corrosion inhibitor closed cooling systems Molybdate Phosphonate is environmentally safe for discharge with the cooling system bleedoff. The formulation contains no heavy metals, chromates, or other pollutants requiring removal or treatment prior to discharge at normal usage rates.

Molybdate does not provide a nutrient source as do many other corrosion inhibitors. This eliminates a food source for algae and bacteria in the water system and makes control of microorganisms easier at lower microbiocide dosage rates. Corrosion inhibitor closed cooling systems Molybdate Phosphonate may be used alone as a single product for control of corrosion in systems where hardness and alkalinity does not pose a scaling problem, or in high hardness and/or high alkalinity waters where higher cycles of concentration and lower bleed rates are desired. Corrosion inhibitor closed cooling systems Molybdate Phosphonate offers superior corrosion protection for all metals typically found in cooling water systems. The blend of cathodic and anodic inhibitors provides a durable corrosion inhibitive film for maximum system protection and minimal corrosion rates.

Corrosion inhibitor, closed cooling systems - molybdate/phosphonate

Anti Corrosion chemical products for closed circulation machinery cooling system. Powerful and concentrated cooling water treatement chemicals. Available in Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Visakhapatnam, Fujairah - Middle East

Corrosion inhibitor closed cooling systems Molybdate Phosphonate manufacturer supplier distributor in Mumbai, Kandla, Kolkata, Vizag, Chennai, India, Fujairah, Dubai UAE, Muscat Oman, Kenya Africa. Get the best quality of Corrosion inhibitor closed cooling systems Molybdate Phosphonate at a competitive price from us. We have ready stock of Corrosion inhibitor closed cooling systems Molybdate Phosphonate in India, UAE Gulf, Oman, Kenya Africa. Contact us for bulk as well as small orders.

Corrosion inhibitor closed cooling systems Molybdate Phosphonate
Packing Size:
30.00 Kg.Liq
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