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Engine Guard NB Scale Inhibitor DEWT

Product Description | Product Application | Product Notes| Product DOSE
Engine Water Treatment Chemicals Powder for Diesel Engine, RXSOL-40-4002-025 is a dry powder, Nitrite / Borate based compound with unique formulation with organic corrosion inhibitors and anti-scalant [+] Read More...
Other Equivalent Brand

Dielsel Engine Corrosion Inhibitor Powder for Cooling Water System, DCWT, KURILEX L 109, Diesel NB Scale Guard NB Powder Rust Scale Inhibitor DEWT, Kintec 3209, Diesel Guard NB 25 Kg

Short Description:
Dry powder with Unique formulation with organic corrosion inhibitors and Anti-Scalants for use in closed Engine cooling water systems.
Generic Name:
Dielsel Engine Corrosion Inhibitor Powder for Cooling Water System
Active Matter:
98 - 99%
Engine Guard NB Scale Inhibitor DEWT
Engine Scale Guard DEWT Guard NB Prevents corrosion and scale formation in closed cooling water systems of internal combustion engines, compressors, diesel generators. Used as a cooling water additive for ships’ diesel engines
Using Procedure:
Dry powder with Unique formulation with organic corrosion inhibitors and Anti-Scalants for use in closed Engine cooling water systems. Method Of Use:- Properly   clean  the  system  with  water  and  alkali [+] Read More...
Technical Specifications:


Diesel Engine Water Treatment DEWT Guard NB exporter and supplier in Mumbai, Gandhidham, Sikka Jamnagar, Mundra, Kandla, Chennai Ennore, Visakhapatnam, Gangavaram, Hazira Surat, Kolkata, Haldia, Paradip, Ajman, Abudhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Barka Oman Muscat, Canada, Nairobi Kenya Africa, Sudan, Yemen

Question : How to Prevent corrosion in diesel cooling waters systems?

Answer: Nitrite / Borate Based compound with unique formulation with organic corrosion inhibitors and anti-scalants for use in closed cooling water systems.


Diesel Engine Water Treatment - DEWT Scale Guard NB is a non-chromate powdered product incorporated with corrosion inhibitors specially designed to inhibit and prevent corrosion in diesel cooling waters systems.

Engine Guard NB Scale Inhibitor DEWT
Packing Size:
25.00 Kg.PWD
Available Packing Size:
Dry powder with a Unique formulation with organic corrosion inhibitors and Anti-Scalants for use in closed Engine cooling water systems.Engine Guard NB Scale Inhibitor DEWT RXSOL-40-4002-025 available in 5 Kg JAR and 25 Kg BUCKET.
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