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Carbon Remover Cleaner HD

Product Description | Product Application | Product Notes| Product DOSE
Extremely high solvency and penetrating capabilities to remove carbonaceous residue formed by fuel and other petroleuium based product. RXSOL-16-1003-020 is a highly concentrated Wetting Emulsifying A [+] Read More...
Other Equivalent Brand

Carbon Cleaner, CAR HEAVY Emulsion SNC 2000, Careclean Carbon / Carbon Solvent, Eazy Safe CR, Tip Cleaner, SEA SHIELD CARBON CLEAN 79106, Carbon Dissolver

Short Description:
Specifically formulated for removal of completely carbon, grease, oil, varnishes and other heavy deposits from diesel engine
Generic Name:
Engine Cleaning Chemicals and Solvent
Active Matter:
93 - 98%
IMPA Code:
551026,551027, 551110, 551111.551339, 553339
Carbon Remover Cleaner HD
For removal of carbon deposits it must be used concentrated ,contained in a steel immersion bath. SAFETY AND HANDLING:- Completely  Avoid contact with eyes as irritation may occur. Do not take inte [+] Read More...
Using Procedure:
Depending upon the contamination deposition either concentrated or diluted. Dilution : Use 1 part concentrate to 2-10 parts of water to yield a very effective end product. The components and machine parts [+] Read More...
Non- evaporation prevents loss of chemical. CHARACTERISTICS :- Unique chemical formulation with corroision inhibitor Non- toxic Extends time between cleans. Effective removal of STICKER/C [+] Read More...
Technical Specifications:

Highly concentrate carbon cleaning product manufacturer and supplier for Marine Shipping and heavy Industries. We are one of popular supplier of Carbon Remover in Visakhapatnam - vizag, Gnagavaram, Chennai, Mumbai, GOA, Manglore, Goa, Kandla, Mundra, Sikka, Kolkata, Haldia, Pirpav, Dubai, Sharjah, Fujairah.


During maintenance Engine decarbonisation is one of important steps. Our Carbon remover fluid products not only saving engine decarbonising cost but also helps to clean all types of sludge deposits. 

RXSOL carbon remover is best Solution for Internal Engine Cleaning and Maintenance also helps to clean  clog oil passages, and the chemical will also effectively clean piston rings, filter, Disc etc.


CARBON cleaner is very active which eliminates the need for Scrubbing or Brushing  which can cause mechanical damages to discs and result in poor performance.

Our Other Valuable grade of CARBON REMOVER :::

A)Decarbonizer Predator Carbon Cleaner Part No. - RXSOL-16-1699-025 ::: Fast Effective Liquid degreaser and decarbonizer, Its immediate action of solvent makes it very popular and easy to use. Plesant Smell based and its specialization is water-rinseable gives complete cleaning effect. ( This product is WATER INSOLUBLE )  

B) Carbon Remover LT Part No.- RXSOL-16-1075-025 ::: is a non-corrosive, powerful solvent for removal of carbonaceous deposits. Carbon Remover LT contains no chlorinated solvents or phenolic compounds and has low toxicity to the environment and to persons handling it.  ::: ( This product is WATER INSOLUBLE )

Engine Room Maintenance Chemicals covers full maintenance chemicals for SHIP engine and deck cleaning. We are major supplier of  Decontamination Cleaners, Petrol Chemical, Tank Cleaning, Institutional Degreasers,  Pressure Wash cleaner, Metalbright, Electrical cleaner, Pipe and Tank cleaning detergent chemicals, Sludge removers cleaner etc ...

Ship maintenance chemicals Carbon Remover cleaner supplier ship chandler in Mumbai - JNPT - pirpav, Kandla - Gandhidham, Chennai - Ennore, Visakhapatnam, Kolkata, Haldia, Paradip,  Manglore, Goa, Fujairah, Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Sohar Muscat Oman, Canada

Carbon Remover is most commonly used in Marine Engine Maintenance, Power Plant engineering section, Automobile Sector etc.

How to Clean and maintain Oil Side of Heat Exchangers?

Very Simple to clean and maintain Oil Side of Heat Exchanger, 1st step is remove all excess oil from Heat Excahanger, Then make arrangement to re-circulate the cleaning solution through heat exchanger. 

USE RXSOL Carbon Remover Cleaner in circulatory drum, which is connected for circulation. For complete dissolving of Oily carbonecious deposits from Heat Exchanger continue circulation 10-12 Hrs, Then after full cleaning operation and removal of deposits drain out the solution and use high pressure water pressure and continiue till clear water come out. Then Finally DRY out the Heat Exchanger.
NOTE : To enhance the cleaning or reducing circualtion time (down time ) Solution can be heated upto 30-40 °C throughout the cleaning operation
Carbon Remover Cleaner HD
Carbon Remover Cleaner HD
Carbon Remover Cleaner HD
Packing Size:
25.00 Ltr.
Available Packing Size:
20 ltr, 25, 50 Ltr, 210 ltr. International standard packing available with us. We are one of popular carbon Remover supplier providing ship chandelling services on ship. Are you getting carbon remover chemicals cheaper then us... try at least once? No one can provide better price, As we are producing carbon remover on a largest scale, which is enable us to provide you on concentrated carbon cleaner on best price.
#MarineChemical #TankCleaner #OilFieldChemical #ChemicalManufacturer #ChemicalSupplier #WaterTreatmentChemical #ROchemicals #ReverseOsmosisChemical #Dispersant
#Demulsifier #WaterlessHandCleaner #AirCoolerCleaner #CarbonRemover #ScaleRemover #ActivatedAlumina #ActivatedCarbon #SilicaGel #Degreaser_Biodegradable
#DieselExhaustFluid #BlueLiquid #ToiletBlueWater_Juice #RigWash #OxygenScavenger #CoolingWaterTreatment #RoccorNB #CorrosionInhibitor #CalciumChloride #DIwater
#AlumPowder #MagnesiumSulphate #SodaAsh #SulfamicAcid #PotassiumChloride

RX MARINE INTERNATIONAL is most popular chemicals source in INDIA, Keeping ready stock at 5 LOCATION which includes Mumbai, Kandla - Gandhidham, Vizag - Visakhapatnam, Ennore - Chennai, Kolkata more then 3000 types of chemicals. Please click here to get PRODUCT Categories details


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