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CHLOR NADCC Tablet 5 gm

Product Description | Product Application | Product Notes| Product DOSE
NADCC-Chlor (NaDCC tablet) supplier in India OMAN and Middle East. This chloro tablet is a broad spectrum fast acting sanitizer and water sterilizer, rapidly effective against BACTERIA, VIRUSES, FUNGI [+] Read More...
Other Equivalent Brand

ef - chlor, Drinking water purifier

Short Description:
NaDCC tablet is a broad spectrum fast acting sanitizer and water sterilizer , rapidly effective against BACTERIA, VIRUSES, FUNGI and PROTOZOA.
Generic Name:
Water Purifier Sanitizer
CHLOR NADCC Tablet 5 gm
- Drinking Water Purification  - Hospital Disinfection  - Baby Bottle Sterilizing - Janitorial Cleaning - Food and Catering - Fruit and vegetable disinfection - Poultry
Using Procedure:
- For fast treatment of water for:     * Emergency and Disaster    * Travel and Camping    * Household    * Peace Keeping/Defence Forces    * Marine Application    * Disinfection of Water System    * Municipal Water supplies
Technical Specifications:

Range of  NADCC - Chlor Taablet

Name of Product

Available Chlorine

Volume of Water to be treated


NADCC - chlor 3.5 mg 2 mg 1 litre 10 x 10 / 10 x 5 Strips
NADCC- chlor 8.5 mg 5 mg 1-2 litres 10 x 10 Strips
NADCC - chlor 17 mg 10 mg 3-4 litres/1 Gallon 10 x 10 Strips
NADCC- chlor 33 mg 20 mg 5 litres 10 x 10 Strips
NADCC- chlor 67 mg 40 mg 10 litres 10 x 10 Strips
NADCC - chlor 75 mg 45 mg 10-12 litres 10 x 10 Strips
NADCC - chlor 167 mg 100 mg 20-25 litres 10 x 10 Strips
NADCC - chlor 400 mg 240 mg 50-80 litres 8 x 8 Strips
NADCC - chlor 500 mg 300 mg 150 litres 8 x 8 Strips
NADCC - chlor 1.67 gm 1000 mg 500 litres 4 x 8 Strips
NADCC - chlor 2.50 gm 1500 mg 750 litres 200 Tablets Jar
NADCC - chlor 3.5 gm 2100 mg 1000 litres 142 Tablets Jar
NADCC - chlor 4 gm 2400 mg 1000-1200 litres 20 Tablets Jar
NADCC - chlor 8.68 gm 5,000 mg 2500 litres 50 Tablets Jar
NADCC - chlor 15 gm 9,000 mg 4000-5000 litres 50 Tablets Jar
NADCC - chlor 200 gm 1,20,000 mg 50000 litres 5 Tablets Jar
NADCC - chlor granules 60 % 50000 litres 1 kg Jar
ef - chlor 8.5 mg 5 mg 1-2 litres 10 x 10 Strips
ef - chlor 17 mg 10 mg 3-4 litres/1 Gallon 10 x 10 Strips
ef - chlor 33 mg 20 mg 5 litres 10 x 10 Strips
ef - chlor 67 mg 40 mg 10 x 10 Strips
ef - chlor 75 mg 45 mg 10-12 litres 10 x 10 Strips
ef - chlor 167 mg 100 mg 20-25 litres 10 x 10 Strips
ef - chlor 400 mg 240 mg 50-80 litres 8 x 8 Strips
ef - chlor 500 mg 300 mg 150 litres 8 x 8 Strips
ef - chlor 1.67 gm 1000 mg 500 litres 4 x 8 Strips
ef - chlor 2.50 gm 1500 mg 750 litres 200 Tablets Jar
ef - chlor 3.5 gm 2100 mg 1000 litres 142 Tablets Jar
ef - chlor 4 gm 2400 mg 1000-1200 litres 20 Tablets Jar
ef - chlor 8.68 gm 5,000 mg 2500 litres 50 Tablets Jar
ef - chlor 15 gm 9,000 mg 4000-5000 litres 50 Tablets Jar
ef - chlor 200 gm 1,20,000 mg 50000 litres 5 Tablets Jar
ef - chlor granules 60 % 50000 litres 1 kg Jar
- RECOMMENDED by leading infection   control experts worldwide. 
- EFFECTIVE against virtually all known 
  bacteria, viruses and spores. 
- SAFE to handle and store.
- COMPACT storage and transport   reducing transport costs.
- ECONOMIC AND ACCURATE - no under   or over dosing.
- GREATER BIOCIDAL EFFECT-Rapid   release of HOCl encouraging fast biocidal   activity forming clear disinfecting   solution.
  alternative disinfectants. 
- FAST DISSOLVING and ready to use   quickly. 
- STABLE tablets with 3 years shelf life. 
- Available in a wide selection of tablet 
- RESISTANT to organic spoilage.

CHLOR NADCC Tablet Water Purifier Sanitizer manufacturer and supplier in India Mumbai, Gandhidham, Chennai, Kolkata, Gandhidham, Visakhapatnam, UAE Middle East Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Abudhabi, Oman Barka, Muscat, Canada

CHLOR NADCC Tablet 5 gm
Packing Size:
10.00 No
Article News:
#MarineChemical #TankCleaner #OilFieldChemical #ChemicalManufacturer #ChemicalSupplier #WaterTreatmentChemical #ROchemicals #ReverseOsmosisChemical #Dispersant
#Demulsifier #WaterlessHandCleaner #AirCoolerCleaner #CarbonRemover #ScaleRemover #ActivatedAlumina #ActivatedCarbon #SilicaGel #Degreaser_Biodegradable
#DieselExhaustFluid #BlueLiquid #ToiletBlueWater_Juice #RigWash #OxygenScavenger #CoolingWaterTreatment #RoccorNB #CorrosionInhibitor #CalciumChloride #DIwater
#AlumPowder #MagnesiumSulphate #SodaAsh #SulfamicAcid #PotassiumChloride

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