SHIP Chandler

Price Negotiation for : Gee Cee Suppliments

This price negotiation is being reviewed by our Sales Team. We will send you response as soon as possible. Thanks for patience.

Last Updated: 17-11-2022
Product Product Code MRP (INR) Quote Price (INR) Revised Price (INR) Desired Price (INR) Compare Price
Sodium Nitrate PURE RXSOL-19-1527-050 5,250.00 2,625.00 2,625.00 2,100.00

Price Difference: 525.00
Your Comments:

Getting at the price of 2100 - Updated on 17-11-2022 10:16:55 AM
RXMARINE Comments:

Price Negotiation for : Milkman Farmfresh Dairy Products OPC Pvt Ltd

This price negotiation is being reviewed by our Sales Team. We will send you response as soon as possible. Thanks for patience.

Last Updated: 19-02-2021
Product Product Code MRP (INR) Quote Price (INR) Revised Price (INR) Desired Price (INR) Compare Price
T.POL RXSOL-12-T300-025 2,250.00 1,125.00 1,125.00 900.00

Price Difference: 225.00
Local Transport Charge RX-SRV-01 500.00 250.00 250.00 0.00

Price Difference: 250.00
Your Comments:

RXMARINE Comments:

RX MARINE INTERNATIONAL is most popular chemicals source in INDIA, Keeping ready stock at 5 LOCATION which includes Mumbai, Kandla - Gandhidham, Vizag - Visakhapatnam, Ennore - Chennai, Kolkata more then 3000 types of chemicals. Please click here to get PRODUCT Categories details


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