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Detergent Powder 25 KG

Product Description | Product Application | Product Notes| Product DOSE
RXSOL Detergent Powder is high foam detergent containing sodium carbonate, silicate of soda, and surfactants. It is non-ionic biodegradable and water soluble product.
Other Equivalent Brand

Detergent General Cleaning

Short Description:
High foam detergent containing sodium carbonate, silicate of soda,and surfactants. It is non-ionic biodegradable and water soluble product.
IMPA Code:
Related Products:
Detergent Powder 25 KG
For General cleaning and manual dish-washing as well as for cleaning painted or varnished surfaces, bath tubs, basins and tiles. This Product has multiple use for cleaning of oily surface , ferrous [+] Read More...
Using Procedure:
In general, use 1/2 - 1% hot water wash cycle solutions  or 5-10 grams per liter. For manual, soak, circulate or ultrasonic use, make a 1% solution in warm or hot water. For abrasive scrubbing, make a paste. [+] Read More...
Health Safety Information: OSHA Hazardous Ingredients: None RCRA Hazard Class: Non-hazardous EPA Priority Pollutants: None DOT Hazard Classification: Non-hazardous Eye Irritation: Serious eye irritant Oral Toxicity: LD50
Technical Specifications:

Physical Properties : 

Appearance (color, physical form, shape) White powder with or without colored speckles
Flash Point (Method Used) N/A
Odor Scented and/or unscented.
Reserve Alkalinity ~ 8.96
Odor Threshold N/A
Solubility in Water Mostly soluble at 68oF (20oC)
Physical State Solid granules
Decomposition Temperature N/A
Vapor Pressure (mm Hg) N/A
Evaporation Rate (nBuOAc=1) N/A
Vapor Density (Air=1)  N/A
Specific Gravity/Density 0.525
Boiling Point N/A
Melting/Freezing Point N/A
Partition Coefficient (n-octanol/water)  N/A
pH (1% solution) 9-11

Detergent Powder manufacturer supplier distributor in Mumbai, Kandla, Kolkata, Vizag, Chennai, India, Fujairah, Dubai UAE, Muscat Oman, Kenya Africa. Get the best quality of Detergent Powder at a competitive price from us. We have ready stock of Detergent Powder in India, UAE Gulf, Oman, Kenya Africa. Contact us for bulk as well as small orders.

Detergent Powder 25 KG
Packing Size:
25.00 Kg.PWD
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