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Fabrics Laundry Softner Fabsoft

Product Description | Product Application | Product Notes| Product DOSE
Fab Soft makes all washables cloth soft and fluffy  during laundering . Makes ironing easier and helps to eliminate chafing , static cling . Clothes stay fresh, wear longer and wrinkle less. it can be [+] Read More...
Other Equivalent Brand

Laundry Softner, UNICA SOFT, Clax Soft, Softener 1 Kg Pack

Short Description:
Fab Soft makes all washables cloth soft and fluffy during laundering . Makes ironing easier and helps to eliminate chafing , static cling . Clothes stay fresh, wear longer and wrinkle less. it can be added at the beginning of the laundry cycle at the sam
Generic Name:
Towel Softener and Conditioner
Active Matter:
IMPA Code:
Fabrics Laundry Softner Fabsoft
Excellent for blankets, sweaters, sheets, towels, pil­low cases, lingerie, diapers, work clothes, hosiery, wool, delicate articles etc or any other washable materials. Addition of little RXSOL FAB-S [+] Read More...
Using Procedure:
  Add 100-150 ml of product to final clear rinse water for a 40-50 Ltrs wash. " or " Dosage recommendation: 10 ml/ kg dry goods      Do not rinse again with clear water or for CONDITIONING OF ext [+] Read More...
Avoid freezing. Avoid contact with skin , Wash away on cotact . If splashed into eyes, flush with clear water and apply a commercial eye wash product .  If ingest­ed, drink large amounts of water. Contact [+] Read More...
Technical Specifications:
Appearance ::: Thin blue liquid
pH neat 3.2
Relative Density at 20°C 0.996
Safe handling and storage information Store in original closed containers or (where applicable) in an approved bulk tank, away from extremes of temperatures. 
This product is based on quaternary ammonium salts. In the wash solution, these positively charged cationics, adsorb to the negatively charged surface of fabrics. Once adsorbed onto fabric the cationic has a lubricating effect. During the drying process, this prevents interlocking of individual fibres and build-up of static electricity (especially on synthetic fibres). In addition lubrication facilitates ironing/calendering.

Always pour this product into water, not on clothes.

Please note that this product should not be used on: • articles made of micro polyester fibres such as cleanroom garments and water repellent theatre linen and cleaning microfibre cloths/wipes. 

Fabric Conditioner and softener Laundry chemicals and detergent manufacturer and supplier in Mumbai, Fujairah Sharjah Dubai Abudhabi Ajman, Muscat Barka, Nairobi, Kolkata, Vizag, Gandhidham, Chennai, Canada, Africa

Fabrics Laundry Softner Fabsoft
Packing Size:
25.00 Kg.Liq
Available Packing Size:
5 ltr.
Article News:
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