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High Protein Castor Meal

Product Description | Product Application | Product Notes| Product DOSE
Castor extract de-oiled castor cake is rich in protein and nutrients. Castor De-Oiled Cake is most commonly used in the animal feed industry. It is an excellent source of protein, which is essential for the growth and development of animals.
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HPCM high Protein Castor Meal for LiveStock

Short Description:
Castor De-Oiled Cake is most commonly used in the animal feed industry. It is an excellent source of protein, which is essential for the growth and development of animals.
Generic Name:
Castor Meal HPCM
High Protein Castor Meal
Castor De-Oiled Cake contain high protein content in our Castor De-Oiled Cake makes it an ideal ingredient for poultry feed, cattle feed, and other livestock feed. It is also free from harmful chemicals and pesticides, making it safe for animal consumption.
Using Procedure:
We offer high-quality Castor De-Oiled Cake that is rich in protein and nutrients.
Why Your Dog Needs Protein? Protein Means linear chain of Amino Acid, And amino acids helps to build hair, skin, nails, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. It also plays a main role in hormone production. Presence of Protein in body helps our system function properly.
Technical Specifications:


High Protein Castor Meal, also known as HPCM, is a by-product obtained during the extraction of castor oil from castor seeds. It is a protein-rich meal that is widely used as a livestock feed supplement. RXSOL HPCM  high-quality High Protein Castor Meal with a protein content of over 50%.

RXSOL High Protein Castor Meal is an excellent source of protein, essential amino acids, and other nutrients that are vital for the growth and development of livestock, including poultry, cattle, pigs, and fish. It also contains a low level of anti-nutritional factors, making it a safe and healthy feed supplement for animals.

Our High Protein Castor Meal is an excellent choice for farmers and livestock producers who want to provide their animals with the best possible nutrition.

Some of the benefits of using our High Protein Castor Meal as a feed supplement include:

1.Improved weight gain and growth rates in livestock
2.Increased milk production in dairy cows
3.Improved feed conversion ratios
4.Improved immune system function
5.Reduced risk of digestive disorders in animals
6.Environmentally sustainable feed source, as castor plants require less water and fertilizer compared to other crops

High Protein Castor Meal
Packing Size:
25.00 Kg
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