Product Description


Malachite green has classically been used by the light microscopist for the demonstration of fungi and bacterial spores. It is a weakly basic diaminotri- phenylmethane dye with useful indicator properties at both very high and very low pH     Malachite Green is used for bacterial spore staining by Schaeffer and Fulton`s method. It can also be used in place of methyl green in the Pappenheim stain, when combined with the Gram stain.

Malachite Green is used for bacterial spore staining by Schaeffer and Fulton`s method. It can also be used in place of methyl green in the Pappenheim stain, when combined with the Gram stain.

Malachite Green is used for bacterial spore staining by Schaeffer and Fulton`s method. It can also be used in place of methyl green in the Pappenheim stain, when combined with the Gram stain.