Product Description




This product has been for­mulated to achieve sparkling spot and streak-free dishes, glasses and silverware and to go one step further. Often with unsoftened and non-deionized rinse water it is impossible to get spot-free dishes and glasses. This product controls the hardness and total dissolved solids of this water to yield consistently excellent results. Also it controls the scale buildup in the rinse tank of conveyor and flight type machines.
            This product is completely safe to use. Its brilliant magenta color clearly indicates the flow of fluid to the pump when prim­ing and the level in displace­ment Injectors. Due to the level of active ingredients, this product may be diluted to very economical levels of use, yet still render exceptional perfor­mance. Even in the worst water, glasses and dishes dry film and spot-free.
           Often overlooked is an injector fluid's ability to dry dishes fast. This is a must in volume dish wash operations. This product when used as directed dries dishes, glasses and utensils quickly allowing them to be put back in service without delay. This fluid is completely homogenous to provide con­sistent rinse action. It is also non-corrosive to sensitive Injector components such as rubber seals, metering valves, etc.