Product Dose

Control is by simple  boiler water tests or RX CLEANSERS  can provide a suitable test  kits for this purpose.

Used in low pressure and auxillary boilers

:::::::::::::::::::::Alkalinity  TEST FOR BOILER & COOLING WATER ::::::::::::::::::::::::

Reagent:  RXSOL TK 7 , TK 8 , TK 9 , . Apparatus : TEST TUBE , Titrator or DROPPER


  1. Measure 10 ml of SAMPLE WATER in graduated TEST TUBE / CYLINDER
  2. Add 1-2 drops of  RXSOL TK7 and mix with the stirring rod , If  sample turns red / PINK ( which indicates presence of p-Alkalinity ) then follows 3rd step otherwise if sample remains colourless ( Record p-Alkalinity = 0 ) .
  3. Add RXSOL TK9  drop by drop ( by counting ) , mixing with the stirring rod until colour just disappears. Each drop is equivalent to 25 ppm of p-Alkalinity , expressed as CaCO3

RESULT  : Each DROPS is equivalent to  25 PPM of Alkalinity .

NOTE :    p-Alkalinity VALUE  =  25 X ( Total Number of DROPS of TK9 , during 3rdstep  )



  1. Measure 10 ml of SAMPLE WATER in graduated TEST TUBE / CYLINDER
  2. Add 1-2 drops of  RXSOL TK7 and mix with the stirring rod , If  sample turns red / PINK ( which indicates presence of p-Alkalinity ) then follows 3rd step otherwise if sample remains colourless ( Record p-Alkalinity = 0 ) then proceed to STEP- 4.
  3. Add RXSOL TK9  drop by drop ( by counting ) , mixing with the stirring rod until colour just disappears. Each drop is equivalent to 15 ppm of p-Alkalinity , expressed as CaCO3
  4. Add 2-3 drops of RXSOL TK8 and mix with stirring rod , the sample will turn to BLUISH-GREEN .
  5. AddRXSOL TK9 carefully by counting drop by drop and mixing throughly until a light reddish  pink  colour develop.

RESULT  : Each DROPS is equivalent to 25 PPM of Alkalinity .

NOTE :    p-Alkalinity ppm CaCO3VALUE ( A )  =  25 X ( Total Number of DROPS of TK9 , during 3rdstep  )

Total Alkalinity ppm CaCO3VALUE  =  A +  { 25 X ( Total Number of DROPS of TK9 , during 5th step  )}




NUMBER OF DROPS OF TK9                                                                                     p-Alkalinity as CaCO3                                

                        1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>25
                        2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>50

                        3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  75
                        4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  100

                        5 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > 125
                       10 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >  250

                       20 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >  500
                       30>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >750

                       40 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  1000

Optimum Result    :   p-Alkalinity  level  is between 100 to  150 PPM is suggested.

 if  p-Alkalinity level is more then 150 ppm then level should be reduced by increased BLOW DOWN process with immediate effect.   

For Below  50 ppm  , Dose ½ Ltrs of RXSOL-50-5001-025 for 1000 Ltrs of  BOILER WATER , to maintain p-Alkalinity level 100 ppm.

Refill pack : REPLACEMENTS  

TK7   : ECONOMIC PACK ( 100 / 200 / 500 ml ) available

TK8   : ECONOMIC PACK ( 100 / 200 / 500 ml ) available

TK9   : ECONOMIC PACK ( 100 / 200 / 500 ml ) available

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