Product Dose
- 8779349 reads
495 F 31029 Field’s stain solution - B Pb 500 ml
496 F 31071 Field’s stain solution - B Pb 125 ml
497 F 31709 Basic fuchsin M.S. (Dye content - 88%) (Fuchsin basic ) Gb 25 gm
498 F 31709 Basic fuchsin M.S. (Dye content - 88%) Gb 25 gm
499 F 40659 Ferroin indicator solution Gb 25 ml
500 F 41205 D(-) Fructose (Laevulose) (For biochemistry) Gb 100 gm
501 F 71029 Ferrous sulphate A.R. - 99% Pb 500 gm
502 F 74229 Formaldehyde solution (37 - 40% w/v) A.R. (Formalin) Pb 500 ml
503 F 74237 Formaldehyde solution (37 - 40% w/v) A.R. Pb 2.5 l
504 F30971 Field’s stain solution - A Pb 125 ml
505 G 10225 Gallic acid - 99% Pb 250 gm
506 G 10229 Dextrose anhydrous (D-Glucose anhydrous) Pb 500 gm
507 G 10229 D-Glucose anhydrous Pb 500 gm
508 G 10329 Dextrose monohydrate (D-Glucose monohydrate) Pb 500 gm
509 G 10329 D-Glucose monohydrate Pb 500 gm
510 G 10429 Gum acacia Pb 500 gm
511 G 10529 Gelatine powder (Bacteriological) Pb 500 gm
512 G 10537 Glycerine (Glycerol) Pb 2.5 l
513 G 11029 Glycerine (Glycerol) - 98% Pb 500 ml
514 G 11525 Glycine (Amino acetic acid) - 98% Pb 250 gm
515 G 11525 Amino acetic acid (Glycine) - 98% Pb 250 gm
516 G 11540 Dextrose anhydrous (D-Glucose anhydrous) Pb 5 kg
517 G 11540 D-Glucose anhydrous Pb 5 kg
518 G 12417 L-Glutamic acid (For biochemistry) - 99% (L- - aminoglutaric acid) Gb 100 gm
519 G 20125 Glutaraldehyde 25% w/v Gb 250 ml
520 G 20129 Glutaraldehyde 25% w/v Gb 500 ml
521 G 20329 Gum tragacanth powder Pb 500 gm
522 G 20471 Glucose stock standard 1% w / v Gb 125 ml
523 G 21950 Gram’s colour staining kit C 4x125 ml
524 G 30671 Gentian violet aqueous solution Pb 125 ml
525 G 30771 Gentian violet alcoholic solution Gb 125 ml
526 G 30829 D(+) Galactose (For biochemistry) Gb 25 gm
527 G 30871 Giemsa’s stain solution Gb 125 ml
528 G 30905 Giemsa’s stain M.S. Gb 10 gm
529 G 30909 Gentian violet powder (Dye content - 88%) Gb 25 gm
530 G 30917 Gentian violet powder Gb 100 gm
531 G 31002 Gibberellic acid - 90% Gb 1 gm
532 G 31171 Gram’s iodine solution Gb 125 ml
533 G 71017 Glycine A.R. (For biochemistry) - 99.7% Gb 250 gm
534 G 71229 Dextrose anhydrous A.R. (D-Glucose anhydrous) Pb 500 gm
535 G 71229 D-Glucose anhydrous A.R. Pb 500 gm
536 G 72029 Glycerine A.R. - 99.5% Gb 500 ml
537 G 83029 Dextrose anhydrous I.P. Pb 500 gm
538 G 83029 D-Glucose anhydrous I.P. Pb 500 gm
539 G 83129 Dextrose monohydrate I.P. (D-Glucose monohydrate) Pb 500 gm
540 G 83129 D-Glucose monohydrate I.P. Pb 500 gm
541 G 84429 Glycerine I.P. - 98 - 101% Gb 500 ml
542 H 10029 Hexamine - 99% Pb 500 gm
543 H 10251 Hydrochloric acid Jc 5 l
544 H 10529 Hydrofluoric acid - about 40% Pb 500 ml
545 H 10609 L - Histidine (For biochemistry) - 99% Gb 25 gm
546 H 10683 Hydrogen peroxide 20 vol. (6% w/v) Pb 1 l
547 H 10725 Hydroquinone - 99 - 101% Pb 250 gm
548 H 10729 Hydrogen peroxide 100 vol. (30% w/v) Pb 500 ml
549 H 11029 Hexane (Fraction from petroleum) Gb 500 ml
550 H 11037 Hexane Gb 2.5 l
551 H 11229 Hydrochloric acid (Thermocole pack)(4x500 ml) - 35% Gb 500 ml
552 H 11517 Hydrazine sulphate - 98.5% Gb 100 gm
553 H 11917 8-Hydroxy quinoline (Oxine) - 99% Pb 100 gm
554 H 12037 Hydrochloric acid (Thermocole pack) Gb 2.5 l
555 H 12529 Hydrazine hydrate - 99% Gb 500 ml
556 H 13229 n-Heptane - 99% Gb 500 ml
557 H 13237 n-Heptane Gb 2.5 l
558 H 16017 Hydroxylammonium chloride - 98% (Hydroxylamine hydrochloride) Gb 100 gm
559 H 21951 Hydrogen peroxide 20 vol. (6% w/v) Jc 5 l
560 H 30171 Haematoxylin stain solution (Delafield’s) Gb 125 ml
561 H 30271 Haematoxylin stain solution (Harris’s) Pb 125 ml
562 H 31001 Haematoxylin stain powder (Dye content-95%) Gb 5 gm
563 H 50379 Hydrochloric acid N/1 Pb 500 ml
564 H 50399 Hydrochloric acid N/10 Pb 500 ml
565 H 50499 Hydrofluoric acid- about 48% Pb 500 ml
566 H 55005 Haemoglobin standard (Cyanmethamoglobin) Gb 10 ml
567 H 70929 Hexane A.R. Gb 500 ml
568 H 70930 Hydrochloric acid A.R. (Thermocole pack) (4x500 ml) - 35% Gb 500 ml
569 H 70937 Hexane A.R. Gb 2.5 l
570 H 71837 Hydrochloric acid A.R. (Thermocole pack) Gb 2.5 l
571 H 72039 Heptane Gb 2.5 l
572 H 72079 Heptane (Fraction from petroleum) Gb 500 ml
573 H 75001 1-Hexane sulphonic acid sodium salt anhydrous A.R. (for HPLC) - 99% Gb 5 gm
574 H 75101 1 -Heptane sulphonic acid sodium salt anhydrous A.R. (for HPLC) - 99% Gb 5 gm
575 H 94037 n-Hexane Hplc Gb 2.5 l
576 H 94083 n-Hexane Hplc - 99% Gb 1 l
577 I 10133 Iron filings - 99% Pb 1 kg
578 I 10217 Iodoform - 99 - 100.2% Pb 100 gm
579 I 10517 Imidazole - 99% Pb 100 gm
580 I 10917 Iodine resublimed - 99.5% Gb 100 gm
581 I 11129 Isopropyl alcohol (Propan - 2 - ol) - 99% Pb 500 ml
582 I 11129 Propan - 2 - ol (Isopropyl alcohol) - 99% Pb 500 ml
583 I 11137 Isopropyl alcohol Pb 2.5 l
584 I 11137 Propan - 2 - ol Pb 2.5 l
585 I 11418 Iodine monochloride - 98% Amp 2x50 gm
586 I 11451 Iodophor (Available iodine-1.6 - 1.7% w/v) Jc 5 l
587 I 20317 Iodine solution - 1% w/v Gb 125 ml
588 I 21279 Isotonic sodium sulphate Copper sulphate solution Pb 500 ml
589 I 30171 Indicator solution pH 9-14 Pb 125 ml
590 I 30179 Indicator solution pH 9-14 Pb 500 ml
591 I 40156 Indicator paper - Narrow range pH 2.0-4.5 Ap 200 ls
592 I 40171 Indicator solution pH 4-11 Gb 125 ml
593 I 40256 Indicator paper - Narrow range pH 3.5-6.0 Ap 200 ls
594 I 40356 Indicator paper - Narrow range pH 5.0 - 7.5 Ap 200 ls
595 I 40401 Indole - 3 - acetic acid (IAA) - 99% Gb 5 gm
596 I 40456 Indicator paper - Narrow range pH 6.5 - 9.0 Ap 200 ls
597 I 40556 Indicator paper - Narrow range pH 8.0 - 10.5 Ap 200 ls
598 I 40601 Indole - 3 - butyric acid (IBA) - 99% Gb 5 gm
599 I 40656 Indicator paper - Wide range pH 0.0 - 10.0 Ap 200 ls
600 I 40756 Indicator paper - Narrow range pH 3.8 - 5.4 (For electroplating industries) C 100 ls
601 I 40867 Iodine indicator powder Pb 50 gm
602 I 40956 Indicator paper pH 2.0-10.5 Ap 200 ls
603 I 41056 Indicator papers (1-14) (Full range) Ap 200 ls
604 I 51079 Iodine solution N/10 Gb 500 ml
605 I 70425 Iso octane A.R. - 99.5% Gb 250 ml
606 I 70429 Iso octane A.R. Gb 500 ml
607 I 70829 Isopropyl alcohol A.R. (Propan - 2 - ol) Gb 500 ml
608 I 70829 Propan - 2 - ol A.R. (Isopropyl alcohol) Gb 500 ml
609 I 71537 Isopropyl alcohol A.R. - 99.5% Gb 2.5 l
610 I 71537 Propan - 2 - ol A.R. - 99.5% Gb 2.5 l
611 I 94037 Isopropyl alcohol HPLC - 99.8% Gb 2.5 l
612 I 94037 Propan - 2 - ol HPLC - 99.8% Gb 2.5 l
613 I 94083 Isopropyl alcohol HPLC (Propan - 2 - ol) Gb 1 l
614 I 94083 Propan - 2 - ol HPLC (Isopropyl alcohol) Gb 1 l
615 I 94183 Iso octane HPLC - 99.8% Gb 1 l
616 I 94537 Isopropyl alcohol (Electronic Grade) - 99.9% (Propan - 2 - ol) Gb 2.5 l
617 I 94537 Propan - 2 - ol (Electronic grade) - 99.9% (Isopropyl alcohol ) Gb 2.5 l
618 J 30172 J.S.B. stain solution No.1 Pb 125 ml
619 J 30271 J.S.B. stain solution No. 2 Pb 125 ml
620 K 10179 Karl fischer reagent (Pyridine based) C 4x125 ml
621 K 10279 Karl fischer reagent Gb 250 ml
622 K 10379 Karl fischer reagent (Pyridine free single solution) Gb 500 ml
623 K 12109 a-Ketoglutaric acid - 99% Gb 25 gm
624 K 20171 Kovac’s indole reagent Gb 125 ml
625 K 40175 Karl fischer reagent (Twin pack) Gb 2x250 ml
626 L 10129 Lead acetate - 99% Pb 500 gm
627 L 10229 Lead carbonate basic (Pb - 75 - 80%) Pb 500 gm
628 L 10329 Lead subacetate (Lead acetate basic) Pb 5 kg
629 L 10425 Lead phosphate (Pb - 75%) Pb 250 gm
630 L 10429 Lactic acid - 88% Gb 500 ml
631 L 10475 Leishman’s stain solution Gb 250 ml
632 L 10525 Lithium chloride anhydrous - 99% Gb 250 gm
633 L 10529 Leishman’s stain solution Gb 500 ml
634 L 10629 Lead monoxide (Litharge) - 98% Pb 500 gm
635 L 10717 Lithium sulphate - 98% Pb 100 gm
636 L 10725 Lithium carbonate - 98% Pb 250 gm
637 L 10729 lead chloride - 99% Pb 500 gm
638 L 10825 Lead borate - 96% Pb 250 gm
639 L 10829 Lactose monohydrate (For biochemistry) Pb 500 gm
640 L 11225 Liver extract Pb 250 gm
641 L 11429 Lacto phenol for microscopy Pb 500 ml
642 L 11529 Lead peroxide (Lead dioxide) - 94% Pb 500 gm
643 L 11629 Cotton blue - Lactophenol M.S. Gb 500 ml
644 L 11629 Lactophenol - Cotton blue M.S. Gb 500 ml
645 L 13317 Lead oxalate (Pb - 70%) Pb 250 gm
646 L 20129 Lamposolv (For spirit lamp) Pb 500 ml
647 L 20217 Lemon grass oil Gb 100 ml
648 L 20229 Lime water Pb 500 ml
649 L 20329 Lead oxide red [Lead (II, IV) oxide] - 98% Pb 500 gm
650 L 20429 Lead sulphate - 98.5% Pb 500 gm
651 L 30329 Lead nitrate - 99% Pb 500 gm
652 L 30409 Light green M.S. (Methyl green) Gb 25 gm
653 L 30429 Lead subacetate (Lead acetate basic) - 98% Pb 500 gm
654 L 30575 Leishman’s stain solution - Improved (with buffer) Gb 250 ml
655 L 30579 Leishman’s stain solution - Improved (with buffer) Gb 500 ml
656 L 30601 Lysol (Ready to use) Jc 5 l
657 L 30609 Leishman’s stain powder M.S. Gb 25 gm
658 L 30625 Lead bromide - 99% Pb 250 gm
659 L 31217 Lead foil C 100 gm
660 L 31271 Lugol’s iodine solution Gb 125 ml
661 L 32117 Light green stain solution (0.5% w/v) Gb 125 ml
662 L 40156 Lead acetate paper Ap 200 ls
663 L 40851 Litmus blue indicator paper C 100 ls
664 L 40856 Litmus blue indicator paper Ap 200 ls
665 L 40951 Litmus red indicator paper C 100 ls
666 L 40956 Litmus red indicator paper Ap 200 ls
667 L 41005 Litmus indicator powder Gb 10 gm
668 L 41171 Litmus blue solution Pb 125 ml
669 L 41181 Litmus red solution Pb 125 ml
670 L 72029 Lead acetate A.R. - 99.5 - 103% Pb 500 gm
671 L 74029 Lead nitrate A.R. - 99.5% Pb 500 gm
672 L 84229 Lysol I.P. (Cresol content - 47 - 53% v/v) Gb 500 ml
673 L 84251 Lysol I.P. (Cresol content - 47 - 53% v/v) Jc 5 l
674 M 10125 D - Mannitol (For biochemistry) - 98% Pb 250 gm
675 M 10129 Magnesium chloride - 97% Pb 500 gm
676 M 10225 Magnesium phosphate - (Mg - 25%) Pb 250 gm
677 M 10229 Magnesium nitrate - 99% Pb 500 gm
678 M 10325 Magnesium fluoride - 98% Pb 250 gm
679 M 10329 Magnesium sulphate - 99% Pb 500 gm
680 M 10339 Magnesium sulphate Pb 5 kg
681 M 10429 Manganese dioxide tech. - 85% Pb 500 gm
682 M 10517 Morner’s reagent Gb 125 ml
683 M 10525 Malt extract powder bacteriological Pb 250 gm
684 M 10529 Manganous chloride - 95% Pb 500 gm
685 M 10625 Meat extract powder Pb 250 gm
686 M 10629 Manganous sulphate monohydrate - 99% (Manganese sulphate) Pb 500 gm
687 M 10639 Manganous sulphate monohydrate Pb 5 kg
688 M 10717 Mercuric chloride - 98% Pb 100 gm
689 M 10729 Manganese acetate - 98% Pb 500 gm
690 M 10829 Marble chips Pb 500 gm
691 M 10917 Mercuric acetate - 98% Gb 100 gm
692 M 10929 Manganese carbonate - 90 - 96% Pb 500 gm
693 M 11029 Methyl salicylate - 99% Gb 500 ml
694 M 11087 Mercuric oxide yellow - 99% Gb 100 gm
695 M 11117 Mercury - 99.5% Gb 100 gm
696 M 11225 Maltose monohydrate Gb 250 gm
697 M 11529 Mercury - 99.5% Pb 500 gm
698 M 11629 Chlorobenzene (Monochlorobenzene) - 99% Gb 500 ml
699 M 11629 Monochlorobenzene (Chlorobenzene) - 99% Gb 500 ml
700 M 12017 Mercurous chloride (Calomel) - 99% Gb 100 gm
701 M 12029 Methanol (Methyl alcohol) Acetone free Pb 500 ml
702 M 12035 Magnesium chloride Pb 5 kg
703 M 12037 Methanol (Methyl alcohol) Acetone free Pb 2.5 l
704 M 12225 Magnesium oxide light - 98% Pb 250 gm
705 M 12229 Dichloromethane (Methylene dichloride)-99% Gb 500 ml
706 M 12229 Methylene dichloride (Dichloromethane) Gb 500 ml
707 M 12237 Dichloromethane (Methylene dichloride) Gb 2.5 l
708 M 12237 Methylene dichloride - 99% Gb 2.5 l
709 M 12317 2- Methyl imidazole - 99% Pb 100 gm
710 M 12329 Methyl isobutyl ketone - 99% Gb 500 ml
711 M 12417 Methyl purple solution Pb 125 ml
712 M 12425 MacConkey agar Pb 100 gm
713 M 12429 Methyl acetate - 99% Gb 500 ml
714 M 12517 Molybdic acid (MoO3 - 85%) Pb 100 gm
715 M 12605 D(+) Mannose (For biochemistry) - 99% Gb 10 gm
716 M 12625 Molecular sieves (Sodium based ) (Grade A / 1.5 mm) Pb 250 gm
717 M 12629 Methyl benzoate - 99% Gb 250 ml
718 M 13025 Magnesium carbonate light (MgO - 40 - 45%) C 250 gm
719 M 13129 2- Methoxy ethanol - 99% Gb 500 ml
720 M 14029 Maleic anhydride - 99% Pb 500 gm
721 M 15309 L-Methionine (For biochemistry) - 99% Gb 25 gm
722 M 16029 Maleic acid - 99% Pb 500 gm
723 M 20325 Magnesium borate (Mg - 20%) Pb 250 gm
724 M 20329 DL - Malic acid - 99% Pb 500 gm
725 M 20871 Mercuric chloride solution 5% w / v Pb 125 ml
726 M 21229 Magneson reagent Pb 500 ml
727 M 21271 Magneson reagent Pb 125 ml
728 M 21717 Methyl cellulose (350 - 550 cPs) Pb 250 gm
729 M 22425 Magnesium oxalate (Mg - 20%) Pb 250 gm
730 M 22629 Millon’s reagent Gb 500 ml
731 M 22671 Millon’s reagent (for protein) Gb 125 ml
732 M 23629 Mastitis reagent Pb 125 ml
733 M 25550 Malarial parasite staining kit C 2x125 ml
734 M 25625 Mercuric sulphate - 99% Gb 100 gm
735 M 25750 Milk adulteration test kit (For the detection of Urea, Starch, Neutralizers, Detergent, Sugar, Glucose-Dextrose, Sodium chloride, Acidity and Heat stability, Hydrogen peroxide and Mastitis in milk) C 50 te
736 M 30409 Malachite green M.S. (Fast green) Gb 25 gm
737 M 30467 Malachite green M.S. (Dye content - 90%) Gb 100 gm
738 M 30625 Magnesium metal turnings - 99.5% Pb 250 gm
739 M 30709 Magnesium metal ribbon - 98% C 25 gm
740 M 30917 Menthol crystals - 99% Gb 100 gm
741 M 31701 New methylene blue powder (For microscopy) (Dye content - 90%) Gb 5 gm
742 M 31709 Methylene blue M.S. (Dye content - 82%) Gb 25 gm
743 M 31771 Molisch’s reagent Gb 125 ml
744 M 31829 methylene blue alkaline (Loffler’s) Pb 500 ml
745 M 31871 Methylene blue alkaline (Loffler’s) Pb 125 ml
746 M 31929 Methylene blue aqueous Pb 500 ml
747 M 31971 Methylene blue aqueous Pb 125 ml
748 M 32371 Methyl violet 6B aq. solution Pb 125 ml
749 M 33709 Methylene blue M.S. Gb 100 gm
750 M 40156 Mercuric chloride paper Ap 200 ls
751 M 40717 Mercuric nitrate - 98% Gb 100 gm
752 M 40817 Mercuric iodide red - 99% Gb 100 gm
753 M 40917 Mercuric oxide red - 99% Gb 100 gm
754 M 41209 Metanil yellow powder Gb 25 gm
755 M 41309 Methyl orange powder Gb 25 gm
756 M 41471 Methyl orange solution Pb 125 ml
757 M 41571 Methyl red solution Pb 125 ml
758 M 41609 Methyl red powder Gb 25 gm
759 M 41709 Mercurochrome (Hg - 24 - 27%) Pb 25 gm
760 M 71525 Mercuric chloride A.R. - 99.5% Pb 100 gm
761 M 71529 Magnesium chloride A.R. - 98% Pb 500 gm
762 M 71629 Magnesium sulphate A.R. - 99.5% Pb 500 gm
763 M 72029 Methanol A.R. (Methyl alcohol) - 99.8% Gb 500 ml
764 M 72035 Magnesium chloride A.R. Pb 5 kg
765 M 72037 Methanol A.R. (Methyl alcohol) Gb 2.5 l
766 M 72817 Molybdic acid A.R. (MoO3 - 90%) Pb 100 gm
767 M 74317 Malonic acid A.R. - 99.5% Pb 100 gm
768 M 74629 Manganous sulphate monohydrate A.R. (Manganese sulphate) - 99% Pb 500 gm
769 M 78229 Dichloromethane A.R. - 99.5% Gb 500 ml
770 M 78229 Methylene dichloride A.R. - 99.5% (Dichloromethane) Gb 500 ml
771 M 78237 Dichloromethane A.R. Gb 2.5 l
772 M 78237 Methylene dichloride A.R. Gb 2.5 l
773 M 83225 D - Mannitol I.P. - 98 - 102% Pb 250 gm
774 M 83229 D - Mannitol I.P. Pb 500 gm
775 M 94037 Methanol HPLC Gb 2.5 l
776 M 94083 Methanol HPLC - 99.8% Gb 1 l
777 M 94183 Dichloromethane HPLC - 99.8% Gb 1 l
778 M 94183 Methylene dichloride HPLC - 99.8% Gb 1 l
779 N 10117 Naphthol alpha (1 - Naphthol) Pb 100 gm
780 N 10217 Nickel borate - 96% Pb 100 gm
781 N 10225 Naphthol beta (2 - Naphthol) Pb 250 gm
782 N 10329 Naphthalene powder - 99% Pb 500 gm
783 N 10429 Nickel carbonate (Ni - 38 - 46%) Pb 250 gm
784 N 10525 Nickel phosphate (Ni - 45%) Pb 250 gm
785 N 10629 Nickel sulphate (Ni - 21 - 23%) Pb 250 gm
786 N 10730 Nitric acid (Thermocole pack) (4x500 ml)-70% Gb 500 ml
787 N 11525 Nickel chloride - 97% Pb 250 gm
788 N 11579 Nitrobenzene - 99% Gb 500 ml
789 N 11737 Nitric acid (Thermocole pack) Gb 2.5 l
790 N 12025 Nickel nitrate - 98% Pb 250 gm
791 N 12525 P-Nitrophenol - 99% Pb 250 gm
792 N 12579 P-Nitrobenzoic acid - 99% (4-Nitrobenzoic acid) Pb 500 gm
793 N 14009 Nutrient agar Pb 100 gm
794 N 16329 p-Nitro toluene (4-Nitro toluene) - 98% Gb 500 gm
795 N 20271 Nessler’s reagent Pb 125 ml
796 N 20371 Nessler’s reagent king’s Pb 125 ml
797 N 22725 O-Nitrophenol - 99% Pb 250 gm
798 N 22729 O-Nitrophenol Pb 500 gm
799 N 32429 P-Nitrophenol Pb 500 gm
800 N 33501 m-Nitrophenol indicator Gb 5 gm
801 N 40371 Newman’s stain solution Gb 125 ml
802 N 40471 Neutral red indicator solution Pb 125 ml
803 N 40871 Naphthol alpha solution (Alpha naphthol solution) Gb 125 ml
804 N 40871 Alpha naphthol solution (Naphthol alpha solution) Gb 125 ml
805 N 40971 Ninhydrin solution Gb 125 ml
806 N 42001 Neutral red powder Gb 5 gm
807 N 70830 Nitric acid A.R. (Thermocole pack) - 69 - 71% (4x500 ml) Gb 500 ml
808 N 71837 Nitric acid A.R. (Thermocole pack) Gb 2.5 l
809 N 72005 Ninhydrin A.R. (Indane trione hydrate) - 96% Gb 10 gm
810 N 72017 Nickel sulphate A.R. - 99% Pb 250 gm
811 O 10129 Orthophosphoric acid - 88% Pb 500 ml
812 O 10129 Phosphoric acid - 88% Pb 500 ml
813 O 10229 Oxalic acid - 99.5% Pb 500 gm
814 O 10529 Ortho cresol - 99% Gb 500 ml
815 O 11329 Orthophosphoric acid A.R. - 88% Gb 500 ml
816 O 11329 Phosphoric acid A.R. (Manganese free)-88% Gb 500 ml
817 O 11737 Orthophosphoric acid - 88% Pb 2.5 l
818 O 11737 Phosphoric acid Pb 2.5 l
819 O 12005 Orcinol monohydrate - 99% Gb 10 gm
820 O 14217 Olive oil Gb 100 ml
821 O 14417 Orange oil Gb 100 ml
822 O 26450 Occult blood testing kit C 2x100 ml
823 O 41709 Orange G powder (Dye content - 88%) Gb 25 gm
824 O 70329 Oxalic acid A.R - 99.8% Pb 500 gm
825 O 74301 1-Octane sulphonic acid sodium salt anhydrous A.R. (for HPLC) - 99% Gb 5 gm
826 P 10029 Paraffin wax with ceresin Ss 500 gm
827 P 10129 Paraffin wax 58 - 600 C (in block form) Pb 500 gm
828 P 10171 Papanicolaou’s stain solution - OG - 6 Gb 125 ml
829 P 10217 Potassium pyroantimonate - 99% Pb 100 gm
830 P 10229 Petroleum ether 40 - 600 C Gb 500 ml
831 P 10237 Petroleum ether 40 - 600 C Gb 2.5 l
832 P 10271 Papanicolaou’s stain solution - EA - 36 Gb 125 ml
833 P 10329 Petroleum ether 60 - 800 C Gb 500 ml
834 P 10337 Petroleum ether 60 - 800 C Gb 2.5 l
835 P 10429 Phenol (Carbolic acid) - 99% Gb 500 gm
836 P 10429 Carbolic acid (Phenol) - 99% Gb 500 gm
837 P 10439 Paraffin liquid light Pb 500 ml
838 P 10517 Phenylhydrazine hydrochloride - 97% Pb 100 gm
839 P 10525 Peptone Pb 250 gm
840 P 10529 Paraffin wax 60 - 620 C (in block form) Pb 500 gm
841 P 10629 Potassium nitrite - 96% Gb 500 gm
842 P 10639 Perchloric acid 70% A.R. Gb 500 ml
843 P 10725 Perchloric acid 60% A.R. Gb 250 ml
844 P 10729 Potassium persulphate - 98% Pb 500 gm
845 P 10739 Perchloric acid 60% A.R. Gb 500 ml
846 P 10825 Potassium borate - 96% Pb 250 gm
847 P 10901 1:10 - Phenanthrolinehydrate Gb 5 gm
848 P 10925 Perchloric acid 70% A.R. Gb 250 ml
849 P 11429 Petroleum jelly white (White soft paraffin) Pb 500 gm
850 P 11529 Potassium acetate - 99 - 100.5% Pb 500 gm
851 P 11625 Potassium bromate - 99% Pb 250 gm
852 P 11725 Phosphorous red - 98% Pb 250 gm
853 P 11729 Potassium carbonate - 99% Pb 500 gm
854 P 11829 Potassium chloride - 99.5% Pb 500 gm
855 P 11929 Potassium chromate - 99% Pb 500 gm
856 P 12029 n-Pentane Gb 500 ml
857 P 12125 n-Pentane - 99% Gb 250 ml
858 P 12129 Potassium dichromate - 99.5% Pb 500 gm
859 P 12229 Potassium bisulphate - 99% Pb 500 gm
860 P 12319 Potassium sulphate (low in nitrogen content)(Suitable for protein estimation) - 99% Pb 500 gm
861 P 12325 Potassium ferricyanide - 99% Pb 250 gm
862 P 12425 Potassium fluoride - 97% Pb 250 gm
863 P 12429 Potassium hydroxide flakes - 85% Pb 500 gm
864 P 12479 tri-Potassium citrate - 99 - 100.5% Pb 500 gm
865 P 12529 Potassium hydroxide pellets - 85% Pb 500 gm
866 P 12629 Potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate (Potassium phosphate monobasic) - 99% Pb 500 gm
867 P 12729 di-Potassium hydrogen orthophosphate (Potassium phosphate dibasic) - 98% Pb 500 gm
868 P 12817 Potassium iodate - 99.5% Pb 100 gm
869 P 12829 Potassium hydrogen phthalate - 99.5% Pb 500 gm
870 P 12929 Potassium ferrocyanide - 99% Pb 500 gm
871 P 13029 Potassium metabisulphite - 95% Pb 500 gm
872 P 13129 Potassium nitrate - 99% Pb 500 gm
873 P 13229 Potassium oxalate - 99% Pb 500 gm
874 P 13279 Propylene glycol - 99% Pb 500 ml
875 P 13329 Propan - 1 - ol (n-propyl alcohol) - 99.5% Pb 500 ml
876 P 13371 Potassium oxalate solution 5% w / v Pb 125 ml
877 P 13429 Potassium permanganate - 99% Pb 500 gm
878 P 13439 Potassium permanganate Pb 5 kg
879 P 13629 Potassium sulphate - 99% Pb 500 gm
880 P 13639 Potassium thiocyanate - 98% Pb 500 gm
881 P 13739 Phthalic acid - 99% Pb 500 gm
882 P 13749 Phthalic anhydride - 99% Pb 500 gm
883 P 13849 Pyridine - 99% Gb 250 ml
884 P 14129 Potassium bromide - 98.5% Pb 500 gm
885 P 14317 Potassium iodide - 99% Pb 100 gm
886 P 14329 Potassium iodide Pb 500 gm
887 P 15629 Poly vinyl alcohol - 98% Pb 500 gm
888 P 20171 Pandy’s reagent Pb 125 ml
889 P 20317 Potassium periodate - 99% Pb 100 gm
890 P 20571 Phenol reagent (Folin & ciacalteau) Gb 125 ml
891 P 21079 Phosphate molybdate solution Gb 500 ml
892 P 21171 Phosphate molybdate solution Gb 125 ml
893 P 21371 Picric acid saturated solution Gb 125 ml
894 P 21471 Platelet counting fluid Pb 125 ml
895 P 21829 Propionic acid - 99% Gb 500 ml
896 P 22071 Potassium chromate solution 5% w / v (Chloride free) Gb 125 ml
897 P 22150 Total protein & albumin kit (Biuret & bromocresol green method) C 20 te
898 P 23371 Potassium oxalate solution 10% w / v Pb 125 ml
899 P 23417 Pyrogallol (Pyrogallic acid) - 99% Gb 100 gm
900 P 24329 Plaster of paris (Practical grade) - 97% Pb 500 gm
901 P 30801 L-Proline (For biochemistry) - 99% Gb 5 gm
902 P 31002 Palladium chloride anhydrous - 99% Gb 1 gm
903 P 31501 Patton and Reeder’s reagent [2-Hydroxy-1-(2-Hydroxy-4-Sulpho-1-naphthylazo) -3-naphthoic acid] Gb 5 gm
904 P 32325 Phenyl hydrazine - 98% Gb 250 ml
905 P 34109 Periodic acid - 98% Gb 25 gm
906 P 40671 Phenol red solution Pb 125 ml
907 P 40705 Phenol red powder Gb 10 gm
908 P 40871 Phenolphthalein solution Pb 125 ml
909 P 40917 Phenolphthalein powder Pb 100 gm
910 P 53029 Potassium hydroxide solution - 40%w/v Pb 500 ml
911 P 53579 Potassium permanganate solution N/10 Gb 500 ml
912 P 62979 Potassium iodide-iodate solution N/50 Gb 500 ml
913 P 63978 Paraffin liquid heavy Pb 500 ml
914 P 63979 Paraformaldehyde - 96% Pb 500 gm
915 P 64929 Paraformaldehyde (Fine Powder) - 96% Pb 500 gm
916 P 71217 Potassium bromide A.R. - 99.5% Pb 250 gm
917 P 72229 Potassium oxalate A.R. - 99.5 - 101% Pb 500 gm
918 P 72317 Potassium thiocyanate A.R. - 99% (Potassium sulphocyanate) Gb 250 gm
919 P 72629 Potassium dihydrogenOrthophosphate A.R. - 99.5% Pb 500 gm
920 P 72725 di-Potassium hydrogen- orthophosphate A.R. - 99% Pb 250 gm
921 P 72729 di-Potassium hydrogen orthophosphate A.R. Pb 500 gm
922 P 73129 Potassium nitrate A.R. - 99.5% Pb 500 gm
923 P 73729 Petroleum ether 60 - 800 C A.R. Gb 500 ml
924 P 73737 Petroleum ether 40-600C A.R. Gb 2.5 l
925 P 73829 Petroleum ether 40-600C A.R. Gb 500 ml
926 P 73837 Petroleum ether 60 - 800 C A.R. Gb 2.5 l
927 P 74029 Phenol A.R. - 99.5% Gb 500 gm
928 P 74029 Carbolic acid A.R. - 99.5% Gb 500 gm
929 P 74217 Potassium fluoride A.R. - 99% Pb 250 gm
930 P 74229 Potassium chloride A.R. - 99.8% Gb 500 gm
931 P 74329 Potassium dichromate A.R. - 99.9% Gb 500 gm
932 P 74401 1-Pentane sulphonic acid sodium salt anhydrous A.R. (for HPLC) - 99% Gb 5 gm
933 P 74417 Potassium iodide A.R. - 99.8% Pb 100 gm
934 P 74529 Potassium hydroxide pellets A.R. - 85% Pb 500 gm
935 P 74629 Potassium sulphate A.R. - 99.5% Pb 500 gm
936 P 74929 Potassium chromate A.R. - 99.5% Pb 500 gm
937 P 84129 Potassium permanganate I.P. - 99 - 100.5% Pb 500 gm
938 P 84629 Paraffin liquid light I.P. Gb 500 ml
939 R 10217 Ringer’s solution Gb 125 ml
940 R 10225 Resorcinol Pb 250 gm
941 R 11217 Resorcinol - 99% Pb 100 gm
942 R 20171 R.B.C. diluting fluid (Hayem’s) Pb 125 ml
943 R 20179 R.B.C. diluting fluid (Hayem’s) Pb 500 ml
944 R 20467 Rothera’s mixture powder Pb 100 gm
945 R 20471 Reticulocyte counting fluid (modified) Gb 125 ml
946 R 30909 D(-) Ribose (For biochemistry) Gb 25 gm
947 R 31871 Robert’s test reagent Gb 125 ml
948 R 41309 p-Rosaniline hydrochloride (Dye content - 88%) Gb 25 gm
949 S 10025 Sulphanilamide - 99% Pb 250 gm
950 S 10029 Silica gel ‘G’ for TLC Pb 500 gm
951 S 10329 Salicylic acid - 99% Pb 500 gm
952 S 10417 Sulphanilic acid - 99% Pb 100 gm
953 S 10529 Sodium hypobromite solution Pb 500 ml
954 S 10629 Silica gel 100 -200 mesh for column chromatography Pb 500 gm
955 S 10683 Sodium hypochlorite solution Pb 1 l
956 S 10729 Silica gel GF 254 for TLC Pb 500 gm
957 S 10829 Silica gel 60 -120 mesh for column chromatography Pb 500 gm
958 S 10929 Silica gel blue coarse (3 - 8mesh) Pb 500 gm
959 S 11029 Silica gel white coarse (3 - 8mesh) Pb 500 gm
960 S 11037 Sulphuric acid (Thermocole pack) Gb 2.5 l
961 S 11109 Silver nitrate Pb 25 gm
962 S 11529 Sodium hydroxide pearl (Small granules)-98% Pb 500 gm
963 S 11609 Silver oxide - 98% Gb 25 gm
964 S 11629 Sodium bisulphate monohydrate - 99% Pb 500 gm
965 S 11709 Sodium bromide - 99% Pb 500 gm
966 S 11739 Sodium benzoate Pb 2.5 kg
967 S 11829 Sodium acetate trihydrate - 99 - 102% Pb 500 gm
968 S 11839 Sodium acetate trihydrate A.R. - 99% Pb 500 gm
969 S 11929 Sodium bicarbonate - 99% Pb 500 gm
970 S 12009 sodium bismuthate - 80% Gb 25 gm
971 S 12029 Sodium carbonate anhydrous - 99.5% Pb 500 gm
972 S 12039 Sodium chloride Pb 5 kg
973 S 12109 Silver sulphate - 98.5% Pb 25 gm
974 S 12129 Sodium acetate anhydrous - 98% Pb 500 gm
975 S 12209 Silver chloride - 99% Gb 25 gm
976 S 12229 Sodium chloride - 99.5% Pb 500 gm
977 S 12317 Succinimide (Butanimide) - 99% Pb 100 gm
978 S 12329 Sodium bisulphite (SO2 - 58.5%) Pb 500 gm
979 S 12429 Sodium carbonate monohydrate - 99.5-100.5% Pb 500 gm
980 S 12479 tri - Sodium citrate - 99 - 101% Pb 500 gm
981 S 12489 tri - Sodium citrate Pb 5 kg
982 S 12517 Sodium azide - 99% Pb 100 gm
983 S 12529 Sodium dichromate dihydrate - 99% Pb 500 gm
984 S 12617 Sodium cobaltinitrite - 95% Gb 100 gm
985 S 12625 Sodium arsenate - 98% Gb 250 gm
986 S 12729 Sodium gluconate - 99% Pb 500 gm
987 S 12829 Sodium hydroxide flakes - 96% Pb 500 gm
988 S 12833 Sodium hydroxide flakes Pb 1 kg
989 S 12837 Sodium hydroxide flakes Pb 5 kg
990 S 12929 Sodium hydroxide pellets - 97% Pb 500 gm
991 S 13017 Silver nitrate &
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