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Spectro Photometers

Product Description | Product Application | Product Notes| Product DOSE
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Short Description:
Spectro Photometers
Spectro Photometers
  UV-visible spectrophotometer, an analytical instrument commonly used in physico-chemical laboratories to make quantitative analysis of specimen materials in the ultraviolet, visible spectral ra [+] Read More...
Using Procedure:
RXSOL: Spectro Photometers   SALIENT FEATURES : SALIENT FEATURES : General purpose Digital display Microprocessor based 400 samples storage capacity Wavelength range 340 to 960 nm [+] Read More...
Technical Specifications:


RXSOL: UV - Visible, Microprocessor based Spectro Photometer
Wide Range : Covers 195 to 1000nm
4 Position Cuvette Holder
RS - 232C Computer Interface
High Wavelength Precision 
Compact & Good looking shape
High Wavelength Precision
Compact & Good looking shape
Highly accurate & stable / economical
SPECTRAL 195 to 1000 nm
Wavelength Range 2 nm
Spectral Bandwidth + 0.5 nm
Accuracy + 0.3 nm
Repeatability 0.1 nm
Photometric %t: 0 to 100% Abs. : 0 to 1.999 K Factory: 0 to 1999
Photometric Range + 0.005 Abs at 1.0 Abs
Accuracy + 0.010 Abs at 1.5 Abs
Stray Light Less than 0.1% at 320 nm
Readability  + 1 conut
data Readout  Single Line LCD Display
Keyboard 4 Keys, soft touch membrane type
Printer Interface Printer Interface for any centronics DotMatrix Printer
Serial Interface RS 232 interface
Light Source (a) Tungsten - Halogen Lamp (b) Deuterium Lamp (D2)
detector Wide range silicon Photodiode
Optics Complete mirror optics with resolution 1200 grooves/mm grating
Sample Holder 4 Position adjustable sample holder
Power 230 V + 10% 50 hz AC
420 x 350 x 240 mm(lxbxh) Approx.
10 Kg. (Approx.)
Wide Range : Covers 195 to 1000nm
4 Position Cuvette Holder
RS - 232C Computer Interface
High Wavelength Precision 
Compact & Good looking shape
High Wavelength Precision
Compact & Good looking shape
Highly accurate & stable / economical
Wide Range : Covers 195 to 1000nm
4 Position Cuvette Holder
RS - 232C Computer Interface
High Wavelength Precision 
Compact & Good looking shape
High Wavelength Precision
Compact & Good looking shape
Highly accurate & stable / economical

Spectro Photometers manufacturer supplier distributor in Mumbai, Kandla, Kolkata, Vizag, Chennai, India, Fujairah, Dubai UAE, Muscat Oman, Kenya Africa. Get the best quality of Spectro Photometers at a competitive price from us. We have ready stock of Spectro Photometers in India, UAE Gulf, Oman, Kenya Africa. Contact us for bulk as well as small orders.

Spectro Photometers
Packing Size:
1.00 Box
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