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Coal Based Activated Carbon

Product Description | Product Application | Product Notes| Product DOSE
Coal Based Activated Carbon manufacturer and supplier Activated Carbon is a porous material that removes organic compounds, pollutants, contaminants and other impurities from liquids, gases, chemicals [+] Read More...
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Short Description:
Coal Based Activated Carbon
Active Matter:
Coal Based Activated Carbon
Activated carbon is useful in drinking water treatment because it acts as an adsorbent , and can effectively remove particles and  organics from water. These organics are of great concern in water tr [+] Read More...
Using Procedure:
An amorphous from of carbon characterized by high adsorptivity for many gases, vapors, and collodial solids. Used for water and air purification, solvent recovery, waste treatment, removal of sulfur oxide from stack gases and "clean'' rooms as deodorant, and for air conditioning.
ACTIVATED CARBON It is known that removal of impurities from liquids or gases by Activated Carbon is by adsorption. But only a thin layer if molecules is enough to neutralize the residual attraction of the [+] Read More...
Technical Specifications:



Appearance: Dark grey/black powder
Specific Gravity: .22-.32
Pour Point: 2150ºC
Flash Point: Not flammable


Type: Charcoal
Solubility: Negligible (water, oil)
pH: 4.0-6.0
Microtox: Not applicable



Methylene Blue Solution – Dissolve 0.15 gram of methylene blue confirming to IS: 2230-1962 in 100 ml of Distilled Water (Distilled water having pH value 7.0). PROCEDURE : Weigh accurately about 0.1 gram of the material, as received, with accuracy of 0.01 gram and transfer to 50 ML Glass stoppered flask. Add from a burette 10 ml of methylene blue solution and shake for 5 minutes. After the first 10 ml are decolorized continue to add methylene blue solution (1 ml at a time) till the blue colour disappears for 5 minutes. Decolorizing power of Activated Carbon is expressed in terms of milligrams of methylene blue adsorbed by 1 gram of activated carbon. (This value is MB value).


DECOLOURIZING POWER = 15 x V  Divided by 10 x M

 Where V = volume in ml of methylene blue solution consumed, and M = mass in gram of the material taken for the test. (Use methylene blue of any standard company to prepare solution and compare solution with standard solution of methylene blue as it does vary batch to batch).     

Coal Based Activated Carbon manufacturer supplier distributor in Mumbai, Kandla, Kolkata, Vizag, Chennai, India, Fujairah, Dubai, Sharjah, UAE, Gulf, Middle East, Muscat Oman, Kenya Africa. Get the best quality of Coal Based Activated Carbon at a competitive price from us. We have ready stock of Coal Based Activated Carbon in India, UAE Gulf, Oman, Kenya Africa. Contact us for bulk as well as small orders.


GRADE  RX AW-200  RX AW - 250  RX AW - 300  RX AW - 350  RX AW - 400  RX AW - 450 
MB VALUE mg/gm  200 (±10)  250 (±10)  300 (± 10)  350 (± 10)  400 (± 10)  450 (± 10)
pH OF 1% WATER EXTRACT 6 to 7 6 to 7 6 to 7 6 to 7 6 to 7 6 to 7
ASH % MAX 4 4 4 4 4 4
SOLUBLE ASH % MAX 1 1 1 1 1 1
IRON ppm MAX 250  200  200  200  200  200 
MOISTURE % MAX  5 to 10 5 to 10 5 to 10 5 to 10 5 to 10 5 to 10
ACID SOLUBLE % MAX  2 2 2 2 2 2
WATER SOLUBLE %  1 1 1 1 1 1
L.O.D % MAX  7 to 10  7 to 10 7 to 10 7 to 10 5 to 10  5 to 10
% KMnO4 ADSORPTION  55  65  75  85  90  95
IODINE VALUE mg/gm  800 (± 50)  850 (± 50)  1000(± 50)  1100(±50)  1150  1200
METHANOL TEST   No Turbidity No Turbidity Passes Passes Passes Passes
PARTICLE SIZE  85 % Passing through 250 mesh size  85 % Passing through 250 mesh size  85 % Passing through 250 mesh size  85 % Passing through 250 mesh size  85 % Passing through 250 mesh size  85 % Passing through 250 mesh size 
Coal Based Activated Carbon
Coal Based Activated Carbon
Coal Based Activated Carbon
Packing Size:
25.00 Kg.PWD
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